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Skin Tightening & Contouring

The Venus Freeze has been proven to work and is FDA approved. Venus Freeze is a revolutionary technology that offers non-invasive skin tightening and wrinkle reduction, cellulite reduction, and circumferential fat reduction. Radio frequency and pulsed magnetic fields on the handpiece create a unique combination that has the ability to penetrate deeply, quickly, comfortably, and safely into the skin. The best candidate is of average weight with some extra fat or loose skin that needs to be tightened any where on the body. This service is best accompanied by an on going proper eating plan and regular exercise.Visual results may not be seen during the course of treatments but may appear up to 8-12 weeks after

Venus Freeze treatments are done as a series, usually with one session a week, with a total of 6-8 treatments performed (depending upon whether the face or body is being treated). A maintenance program is suggested after the initial treatments are completed to help maintain your long-term results. 

  • Face Lift & Eye Lift
  • Firm Fat pockets to reduce bra bulge
  • Soften deep wrinkles and diminish fine lines
  • Contour stubborn fat pockets to reduce upper arm bulge
  • Reduce volume and tighten skin for a more contoured shape
  • Contour and tighten your abdomen for a flatter and more defined waistline
  • Dramatically reduce cellulite, shape and lift your buttocks, and smooth and tighten thighs for firmer curves
  • Contour and tighten your abdomen for a flatter and more defined waistline
  • Reduce the look of cellulite, contours and lift your buttocks and thighs for an enhanced shape
  • Tighten and firm loose skin under the neck
  • Reduce bulk under the chin
  • Lift around the jaw line and eyes
  • Rapid RESULTS
  • Treatments are SAFE
  • Perfect for MOMMY TUMMIES
  • Reduce Stretch Marks 

#14-140 East Chestermere Drive

CHESTERMERE (Ab). Ph.403-387-0003

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